The current world population continues to rise at an uncontrolled rate as a result of a world largely in dispute. It is only when our world’s nations manage to co-operate that we can begin and action dialog that will effect meaningful decline in population. Erthbeet is currently working on Project: Stopulate, which is a template from which nations can work from to reduce their population, or to stabilize their population growth.The wesbite is currently under construction, but please keep an eye out for it and support the drive for the quickest and easiest way to save the planet.
Project Stopulate
To illuminate the need for population reduction, an official word has been coined by Erthbeet which will hopefully become the descriptive term. Stopulate, and Stopulation is a started project by Erthbeet, and will continue to attempt to gain visibility and drive. The Stopulate project is essentially an economic strategy, and will only take traction provided a core mass of nations adopt the model and then work co-cooperatively. Clearly, Stopulate is an ambitious project requiring drive and commitment. ERTHBEET is committed to several higher causes that will not ultimately generate revenue. This is one of them.
Our population reached middle-age in about 1950, and is now elderly. By any means or standards, we cannot risk the precious Earth to the uncontrolled Human Purpose. We must now learn to live with the Earth and not against it, as the time of reckoning has arrived and this important aspect of our tenancy cannot be ignored. If we are not prepared to obey the rules of our rental conditions, then we will be evicted. We also have the new generation to deliver to, and that requires hard and loud decisions to be made. In 1950 the population was 2.5 billion, which has tripled in only 70 years to nearly 8 billion.

2500 BC at about 160 million the earth was able to cope with a non-technological population
Why do we need to reduce population?
In terms of a discussion, population reduction is the only holistic and guaranteed way to save the planet from permanent ecological damage. In terms of a debate, there isn’t any at all other than when, not if. And in terms of when, the only debate is whether population reduction can be immediate or within a few years. What we have discovered is that the Earth has a finite number of static resources, and a finite number of renewable resources. Renewable resources obviously have a limit of production per day and therefore have a limit of distribution per day. With a suddenly exploding population of 8 billion of any average sized animal, the stresses placed on the ecosystem would be enormous. But when that animal is intelligent, and with technological needs, then the stress on the ecosystem is exactly what we are now seeing.

100 BC at about 170 million people had no impact on the ecology
The Human Purpose
The human purpose, as an overall concept, is utterly at the cost of the worlds ecosystem, and of environmental stability. When someone drives their combustion engine car 40km round-trip for an unimportant primary objective, such as to purchase a kite, then the cost to the environment has been significant. The primary objective of the trip was for something insignificant, a kite. If the person had waited, and picked up the kite while also grocery shopping, then the primary objective would then be of importance, while making the kite acquisition ‘free’ for the environment.
We all need to stand back and examine our cost to the environment – not of ourselves, but of others. To look at what has been gained from a completely overall viewpoint when watching someone drive their car, and what CO2 damage has been done as a result, is one way that we can program our own minds toward subconsciously changing our own habits. Species loss, rising seas, global warming, and the loss of grass and plant variety are all zooming forward toward a catastrophic crash. At present, the ecology is coping, but it is injured, and we are not allowing it to mend.
We need also to understand that the ecology, however we change it, is not actual ‘damage’ from a holistic perspective. The world’s climate and ecology has been changed in the past by other species, with consequential change to the ecological framework. If the oceans rise and flood the lands, and if species are lost in mass, including people, then in the larger perspective, that is only part of evolution, and from a higher perspective, of entropy. From our perspective, it is catastrophe because it will rob us of our human purpose for which we have a deep consciousness.

Built in 1888 the new Eiffel Tower arrived at a population of only 1.4 billion
From Entropy to Consciousness – Impossible?
It is with our consciousness and intellect that we are able to observe and be aware of entropy, and to acknowledge and delight in are own ‘free ride’. The Earth is an ultra-high point of defiance and opposition to entropy, and for that, one must consider all possibilities of our origin. Just how precious is intelligence? But more importantly, just how precious is sentience? The fact that we are able, unlike other intelligent animals, to think about, treasure and adore our own existence, and to want to know if there are others, is in itself, only one of many layers of what consciousness is.
The drive and desire to protect our species, must be underpinned by the stronger desire to protect our environment. At the present time, the easiest, cheapest and quickest way to save the world’s ecology, the one that supports us, is to rapidly reduce our population. And to reduce our population only requires that every couple has no more than two children, and to then have procedures to stop further offspring.
Obviously, there are economic challenges to stopping global population growth, but we cannot put our our head in the sand and waive it off to another generation. It is WE who must EACH seriously consider our own statements and actions about giving to the repair of the broken world. It may be something large, or it may be indicating support for lots of smaller projects and clicking the box, or sending your acknowledgement for the cause. Important steps toward lessening the load on the environment can be to decide to eat less red meat, or to never drive the car for a single purpose but rather always for a dual purpose. Decisions like these will collectively help the world and make an impact to slow the damage to the ecology. But the biggest action that will profoundly reduce and reverse ecological damage, is to reduce population.
Going to Mars is not the answer. Mars will do what capitalism does best: a few will enjoy affluency at the cost of many, and the environment will pick up the tab. Mars cannot be used as an excuse to support the saving of our species. A trillion dollars for an extremely high-risk venture, for which everyone pays, at the cost of the environment, for zero return, is not a success, it is a failure even before it launches.
Please go to the Population Statement Form and email that to your local government representative and demand for your country to define a stopulation strategy.
We ask that you contact your local senator, premier or regional leader and demand the prioritization for the Stopulation project. The world needs to Stopulate. Please go to Stopulate and register your once in a lifetime statement to your government, to start the process of international dialog toward this immediate and critical need. If you don’t care to do it for yourself, then do it for the world’s children.

About 50 years later the population had almost doubled to 2.2 billion

2020 population: 7.7 billion which will rise by another billion in 13 years. We MUST stopulate!
Please share this page to your people. It is the easiest way to start the most important drive for our survival: to Stopulate.