Our Gravitee project involves two components: A new power generation technology, and a templated proposal for government heads to agree on for their quick action to address their own climate change policy.
The new power generation technology (originally called project: grabitree) while still in early stage research, is hopeful, and if successful will generate power from the most unlikely of sources.
We have finally reached the time where the planet cannot support us. This can be argued, but in every real sense the planet is simply not supporting either our purpose, our load or our dirty technology. In just the nick of time, renewable technology has arrived and is being developed by the capitalistic competitive drive for profit and dominance.

Gravitee is a proposal to begin international energy dialog via a template
It is now time to begin global change in our education system to formally impart green values in children. Commercials, documentaries and Goodie Greeny stickers won’t cut it, because there just isn’t time because we ran out of time yesterday. Every starting generation from here on should have GREEN ground into their culture and their consciousness, not as a responsibility, but as a universal societal imperative that is carried automatically in their consciousness, and for which deviation is not tolerated.

Make the RENEWABLE ENERGY call: Mandatory Globally
What should be happening is that each country should now be deciding on its own Seen 2b Green action plan, and to begin change, very quickly, in order to avoid catastrophe. Unfortunately, there are multiple layers of both lethargy and action obstructing a clear pathway toward responsible consumption. These layers need to be tackled against a prescribed action model on a national level, as a global approach could not possibly be successful.
In order to manifest clear and robust change toward responsible consumption, these layers of lethargy must be attacked and challenged. It is proposed to produce a standard model of Global Transition, to be used by any nation. The lethargy we are talking about regarding environmental consciousness can be divided into 7 layers from the most important and immediate at the top of the list and then going down.
Change is now so fast that there isn’t actually time to form a precedent, before the precedent itself has disappeared or progressed into something else entirely. The point being made, and necessarily, is that while a ‘generation’ used to mean 5-10 years, can no longer meaningfully represent a periodical range of society. A ‘generation’ is now annual, and when we talk of a generation of people, we should be talking about their year of birth.
The most important change is education of environmental practice, right from the first grade. A particular first year’s generation of children will be aware enough and strong-willed enough to be exerting their will on their environment within 2 years, at about the age of 7, when they can reason and argue with their parents for choices in products, foods, recycling and many other practices. Making green cool is one thing, but making green appropriate behavior is far more powerful. Being Green to be cool is a not a strong status driver because ‘green’ is not a societal value. However, when a child is being lobbied by their peers and teachers based on appropriate codes of behavior, and for which those codes of behavior represent a purpose for the greater good, then they will not rebel or individualize. In other worlds, we need to cognitively indoctrinate our children with the education and the purpose of wanting to fix up and care for the world.
Such a curriculum needs to be constructed carefully, and not with a bunch of PHD educational psychologists, but with a large selection of parents, because it is parents who will be having to support and foster the paradigm shift from non-green-conscientious to ultra-green-conscientious. But more importantly, children need to be guided carefully so to alleviate predictable inheritance-anger, that will require early intervention at the institutional level. Why? Because the more we educate children of the broken world, and of their need to fix it, the more they will feel a sense of injustice over why ‘they’ have to fix up ‘our’ broken world.
The Educational layer is the most important, and will require the most care in planning. The method, content and timing of Responsible Environmental Consumption (REC) will be critical to ensuring that it becomes a societal behavior rather than a ‘should do’.
Societal apathy comes with a generation that has enjoyed having a second sun all their lives. It is only with FOSSIL FUELS that we have developed, and from which we have been able to wield and fashion steel and metal for the purpose of making other tools needed for medicine, transport, construction, computers, astronomy, agriculture and so much more. Only with FOSSIL FUELS could we boot-strap the process of tool-making for tool-making. FOSSIL FUELS are literally a second sun in the ground, which we discovered and dug up.
Almost everyone alive today understands a world of ease, machine-assistance, reliability of food, water, shelter and medicine. But the biggest taker of energy are the needs of pleasure, not survival. Temperature control of homes, car transport, washing machines, clothes dryers, lighting and LCD screens and computing.
We now need to bring about change in a generation of the population that has always had it easy and cheap, but must now adapt to a world demanding living leaner, and one not as care-free as before. The challenge is to change the expectations of society and to prepare society.
The success of the template will rest on at least three governments agreeing to begin on the creation of the template. Obviously a Green action/respons/compliance template will blow out into a considerable body of work, as it will involve, just to name a few: individual compliance, corporate compliance, time periods, incentives, educational compliance at the school level and many more aspects of the entire human existential infrastructure.
It is envisaged that the template will be driven by a trading scheme and controlled by, to begin with, a chosen board on the United Nations, but later, via a United Federation of Countries who will opt to choose membership in order to get the best trading negotiations. We need to get real about Mother Earth. While we are bickering about religion and culture, the planet on which we stand while we argue, is dying. The ecology has managed to cope until now, but anyone with foresight will realize that the delicate deeper ecology, or rug, that underpins all the higher framework, could be under serious compromise, spelling disaster for the approaching immediate generations.
A United Federation of Countries member will need full commitment, and such a federation will need to exist as an international bond and operate impervious of political difference, or even during war times. Such is the seriousness of the threat to the ecological rug. While the concept of Gravitee is simple enough, there is no international platform that exists today to invite countries to a table of agreed compliance via a uniform set of rules, and it needs to happen!
It is a huge ball to get rolling, but if designed well, will at least be in place in time for when various governments are forced to get real. Gravitee is a proposal for such a framework. Gravitee is not yet open for input or comment, but anyone wishing to initiate this are invited to contact Erthbeet Pty Ltd.